Johnny Lynch is a superman capable of accomplishing an impossible array of tasks within a single earthly year: from writing...
In eager anticipation of its fifth annual outing, Deer Shed Festival has announced this year’s headliners. Topping the bill on...
Kings Of Convenience will be topping the Friday night bill at Green Man this August! Green Man Festival takes place...
This week, I suffer a technological disaster that wipes out over a month’s worth of writing, and talk about the...
Patrick Wolf has been confirmed for The Apple Cart music tent – this will be Patrick Wolf’s only London Summer...
Deer Shed Festival was held at Baldersby Park, Topcliffe, North Yorkshire between 25th and 27th July 2014 More photos from...
Steve Mason was the voice of The Beta Band and therefore, being so distinctive, he always will be The Beta...
This week: talentless arse Robbie Williams thinks it’s a good idea to cluelessly insult a whole host of indie legends,...
RW/FF is a weekly column written by Ben P Scott for music and culture site God Is In The TV. ...
Last night saw the annual Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) award ceremony held, in a sweltering heatwave, in Glasgow’s...
RW/FF is a weekly column written by Ben P Scott for music and culture site God Is In The TV. The...
Steve Mason‘s career has produced an array of interesting styles, not to mention some utterly brilliant songs. The work he...
The column where Ben P Scott recommends great new music, gives his opinions on current topics and then rewinds to...
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