Brooklyn indie rock band Slow Fiction self-released their self-titled debut EP in February 2023. Influenced by poets Anne Waldman, Ted...
Dot to Dot festival takes place over two days in the cities of Bristol and Nottingham. Musicians, predominantly from the...
The 2020 Mercury Prize shortlist has been announced. The prize celebrates the year’s best albums, released between 20th of July...
Fresh from being crowned THE BEST FESTIVAL FOR EMERGING TALENT at the UK Festival Awards in 2018, Live At Leeds returns with yet another...
When: 21 – 24 July 2022 Where: Hill Farm, Steventon, Oxfordshire There was something very special about Truck 2022, whether...
During the lockdown, most evenings I would go to the park and wait for the bats to come out. I...
1. Desperate Journalist – Satellite Three and half minutes of indie pop perfection with the guitar solo of the year....
Who? FACS What? ‘In Time’ Where? Chicago What they say? Chicago trio FACS was founded in 2017 by former Disappears members Brian...
Cardiff will host this year’s BBC Radio 6 Music Festival, which will take place from Friday, April 1 to Sunday, April 3!!!...
In the second part of a special edition of Show Me Magic a new music podcast. Bill Cummings and Jim Auton...
Seaside showcase has delights around every corner. It rained torrentially for the best part of our drive down there,...
“Highlight of the weekend?” came the question, via Messenger, from God Is In The TV’s Live Editor Dean Mason, shortly...