Sweden’s erstwhile ‘indie-queen’ Sibille Attar is back with a refreshingly reaffirming, vividly engaging second album. The aptly-titled A History of...
The eighth episode of “Show me magic!” a new music recommends podcast from www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk this week Bill Cummings and Jim Auton are...
For the final Tracks of the Year piece, GIITTV Editor Bill Cummings selects his favourite 10 tracks of 2018. Bill...
After a year of #newmusic pandemic podcasts for www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk. Bill Cummings and Jim Auton end the year with a Show...
Who? LIZZI What? Personal Where? East London What they say? ‘Personal‘ is about betrayal, it was written after being hurt...
Welcome to ‘God Is In The Pod’ a new monthly music show presented by Bill Cummings, editor of www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk ....
It’s hard to narrow down my tracks of the year to only twenty, I’ve had a rolling playlist all of...
Here is my eclectic 90 minute playlist of my favourite tracks from 2018, recorded and produced by the guys at...
Sibille Attar – I Don’t Have To Sibille Attar‘s new single ‘I Don’t Have To’ is a grandly meditative musical hall...