Opening with the grimily joyful rock of The Hop, American Werewolf Academy have a bluesy swagger that sits alongside Bruce...
Jess Randall’s screeching violin kicks off Countess Bathory’s Finishing School For Girls before being accompanied by Joel Gould’s frantic drumming...
Soulful backing vocals from Amy West mingle with indie-rock guitars, hip-hop drumming, rapping from Samuel Otis and Joe Eden on...
Debut single from Australian singer-songwriter Joel Sarakula is a light, frothy and enjoyable tune. Wrapped around a simple set of...
A bluesy swagger kicks off this EP from South London quintet The Waves...
It’s clear from the artwork what you’re in for with Henry Parker, retro sounding pop-rock, and sure enough All You...
This debut LP from Canadian trio opens with a shimmering pop-rock tune that bares some similarity to a slightly heavier...
Spooky ethereal synth sounds akin to Vangelis‘ Blade Runner soundtrack and female vocals keening softly in the background give way...
The success of previous releases from Funeral Club has been their ability to create something evocative of dusty, mysterious times,...
This sophomore record from Smallgang and Crumbling Ghost drummer Matthew Atkins is a sparse, haunting collage of atmospherics and natural...
London based quintet’s debut self-titled LP is a bright indie-pop affair, opening track Anyhow has a big, wide-eyed sound akin...
It’s a brave artist who calls a single Failure, though the full title of this single is Failure (after a...
Waves crash before the arch punk of opening track Dirty Beaches gets underway, sneery The Clash-like vocals teasing ‘If you...
Kicking off with backroom alt-country blues rock Black Licorice, there’s a nice Electric Mayhem swagger to the arrangment, though the...
Slickly produced to be sure, but opening track Phasers Aren’t Set To Stun is a rather sour start to this...