“Most of what I’ve learned about human nature in my twenties has happened after dark,” confesses Alan Palomo, the Mexican-born...
“Era Extraña is a lesson in how to execute electronic music properly” 8/10 – NME “An expansive, synth-drenched 80s sound…...
Neon Indian is back with his second full-length offering ‘Era Extraña’, to be released on October 10th through Transgressive Records....
City based festivals are such a good idea. Or at least they are to me. Sleeping in a field next...
Set in a futuristic world charting the ill-fated digital romance between a lonely humanoid and a girl, Neon Indian’s Tim Nackashi-directed video for...
The most exciting multi-venue music festival in the UK, Dot To Dot has teamed up with God Is In The...
As Neon Indian continues to enchant bloggers around the world, it seemed fitting to put out a an essential collection...