Danish duo Tachys consisting of Jonas Bjerre (Mew, Apparatjik) and Tobias Wilner (Blue Foundation, New York United, Ghost Society, Bichi)...
‘Not Everybody Thinks We’re Doomed’ is the bountiful new single from Beans on Toast comes out this Friday. Today, we...
Alice Hubble is the musical project of Alice Hubley, perhaps best known for having previously reported for synth-pop duty with...
Ada Lea (the moniker of Alexandra Levy) has shared a new single/video, ‘partner,’ from her forthcoming album, one hand on...
‘Wave Upon Wave’, the gorgeous new single by Eve Goodman, is an exploration of the healing power of the sea....
Today, we are debuting the new video from The Acharis ‘False Positive’, watch it below. The Acharis is the creative...
Songwriter and composer Ben Osborn returns with his new single ‘The Fire’ and b-side Jane. It’s his first solo release...
Lilla Vargen and Nick Hahn are VETS and the multi-instrumentalists and long-standing collaborators have just introduced this brand new musical...
Picture taken by Natalie Kerr Does Daisy Coburn (singer songwriter) know what kind of art she wants to create before...
‘I’ve half-jokingly said before that I want the songs to sound like they’re coming out of a dodgy AM radio...
Seagal is the new single from collective Sywel Nyw, celebrating the 80s cliches of movies featuring Stephen Seagal, created by...
John Clay talks to experimental duo tAngerinecAt and they touch on societal issues in the forms of demons, the clarification...
Today, we debut the nightmarish psychedelic visions of Walt’s Frozen Head and the deranged trip of their new video ‘Low...
NEWS: Ritual Cloak and Autumn Juvenile reveal ‘You’re The Summer’ powerful ambient spoken word track
‘You’re The Summer’ is the first taste of the collaboration between Cardiff electronic post-rock duo Ritual Cloak, and writer, comedian...
Self Esteem has announced details of her forthcoming second album Prioritise Pleasure and has shared its defiant title track and...