New York post-punk outfit Bodega made a triumphant return to the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham, opening the UK leg of...
This is the opening night of Peter Hook & The Light’s 17-date tour of the UK and Ireland, a tour...
The second best band to ever come out of Stourbridge (take that, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin), Pop Will Eat Itself are...
Cork’s Sultans of Ping are what can only be described as something of a slow-burning, the opposite of an overnight...
Jaws The Shark are responsible for one of this year’s, and it’s been a particularly strong year for them, best...
Well, it was a late decision to come to this tonight. I was going to review The Last Dinner Party...
Wild God is the latest album from Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, their 18th studio recording in total. It...
Speaking to The Guardian in 2018, the band’s drummer, vocalist, chief lyricist and founding member Zach Choy said that the...
Roll up, roll up for the Spielmann musical extravaganza! Just like the Rock and Roll Circus before it – albeit...
One of the few reasons to stay on Twitter over the last year or so has been the simmering feud...
Tonight sees the city’s star promoter EVOL brings together two of the biggest names on the Liverpool live scene; they...
I’ve always been very lucky when it comes to seeing the musical acts that I love play live, whereas a...
The albums River and Seed of Memory are routinely and quite rightly regarded by many as “lost classics.” Recorded by...
American Football’s long-awaited return to the UK, in celebration of their debut album LP1, began with a night full of...
The Scottish composers Andrew Wasylyk and Tommy Perman are out on a tour of the UK in support of their...