Brighton based band The Fiction Aisle, led by Thomas White of Brakes/Electric Soft Parade recently released their debut album Heart...
XIXA are a Tucson mystical psychedelic-cumbia-rock band led by Giant Sand members Brian Lopez and Gabriel Sullivan, their new EP...
Just when you thought the festival season was over, those good people at One Inch Badge put their heads together...
Norwegian super group Sunturns are devoted to Christmas, and feature members of Moddi, Making Marks and more. They released their...
Chart-topping electronic music godfather Adamski is back with a new video entitled “Dazed’n’Confuzed” which is a track from his recent,...
Oxford-based alt-folk/indie act The Epstein are offering a free download of the track ‘Finally Forgive’ for the entire month of...
Following the success of this Summer’s two dayer which saw glorious performances from the likes of Patti Smith and Mac...
Come the early May Bank Holiday weekend next year, Live at Leeds will be celebrating its 10th anniversary. And looking...
We have a nicely shot, live at home video of “New House” the title track from Tom Williams‘s new mini-album,...
Bloc Party will release their fifth album Hymns on January 29, 2016. They have released the video for the album’s...
Wrexham noise pop band Baby Brave‘s new EP Tacky Birthday is out now on Drum With Our Hands label. And...
Garage punk duo Love Buzzard are set to play The Shacklewell Arms in celebration of their upcoming single, ‘Superglue’, on...
Bristolian songwriter Rob Bravery has revealed a new single ‘Submission Statement’ his quivering falsetto, that bristles with existential angst, tip...
Pete Astor previously of The Loft, The Weather Prophets is back with a new album ‘Spilt Milk’ out via Fortuna...
German-speaking noise-rock three-piece DIE NERVEN(The Nerves) release their new album ‘Out’ this Friday(6th of November), and today we...