Gothenburg duo Pale Honey were a fresh delight when they released their self-titled debut in 2015. Guitarist Tuva Lodmark and drummer...
Dominic Harris – in this instance under the name of Dominic Waxing Lyrical – is one of those men who come... showcases the same storytelling ability that made (I Love You Honeybear) so rewarding.
Since its inception some 16 months ago, the Leeds record label Come Play With Me has spoiled us something rotten...
Before you think “What a narcissistic twat that Loz Etheridge is, promoting his own band on the website for which...
Alasdair Roberts has unveiled the first track from his forthcoming album, Pangs. Entitled ‘The Angry Laughing God’, it’s a fine...
KOBA are a four-piece from Edinburgh and Glasgow, and with ‘Rush’ they’ve created a smooth and cool electro-pop track that has...
Last week Sylvan Esso, the duo from Durham, North Carolina that pairs erstwhile folk singer Amelia Meath with electronic producer...
Following up GIITTV’s sound of 2017. Here is my personal tip tape for 2017, an eclectic mix of sounds and...
Julian DeMarre‘s ‘State of Flux’ is lifted from the new album Electric Child out this March 2017. Directed by Johanson...
Who or what isn’t getting political these days? The aptly-titled ‘World’s On Fire’, the debut single from Cornwall-born but London-based...
Virginian artist Magique plays a triumphantly euphoric brand of summertime dance/pop that is just perfect for those lazy, hazy days...
Taken from the soundtrack of Danny Boyle‘s nothing short of absolutely bloody brilliant T2: Trainspotting, this new track from Edinburgh’s...
Shimmery summertime slacker scuzz abounds aplenty here, on this, the first release from Lucky Shivers, available on The Shipping Forecast...
No strangers to the Track Of The Day berth at God Is In The TV, Leicester’s We Three And The...