Continuing their incredibly successful series of SubSonic shows, Fred Perry bring you the hottest acts via intimate sold-out shows. The...
RW/FF is a weekly column written by Ben P Scott for music and culture site God Is In The TV....
Lots to get through this week, including brilliant new albums from Primal Scream, The Fall and Public Service Broadcasting. New...
This week I talk about the way that listening to music has changed over the last decade or so, and...
Somehow managing to win fans from the punk, indie and folk scenes, The Levellers are a lot more successful than...
New post-pop indie band ‘Everywhere‘ from Stockholm, have just released their new single ‘Eddie’, and as if that wasn’t enough...
Iberian Jim Morrison led drone killers, Bomp! Garage soul, Teutonic LSD psych, Motorik City rock, vibrations from Kinshasa and extinct...
Four years in the making, Public Service Broadcasting‘s debut LP follows the release of a number of brilliant singles and...
Olympian‘s debut EP ‘Back To The Great Lakes’ was released a few weeks ago on April 1st. Olympian is the latest musical...
Alas absolutely no information about this lot, even their website is a tad vague and tight lipped but they are...
Delta Mainline are a seven piece band led by frontman and songwriter David McLachlan. ‘Oh! Enlightened’ is their first full...
Time again for a perusal through the lesser heralded releases in the tumult ocean of music. Lacking a theme or...
In 1997, Primal Scream changed the way I listened to music forever, with their phenomenal ‘Vanishing Point’. The follow up...
This week: Record Store Day turns out brilliantly, and I check out some great live music from James, Echo And...
So last week I informed readers that this week’s column would feature new albums from The Wonder Stuff, OMD, Roddy...