Containment is the debut feature of British director Neil Mcenery-West. The plot centres around artist Mark, who wakes one morning...
A bold rejection of mainstream orthodoxies, Supernormal is as much a political statement as a collaborative arts event. With no special artist areas and emphasis on inclusive participation, it immediately feels like an altogether different proposition.
Paying tribute to someone you care about is not an easy thing. At least not in my eyes. Nobody, no...
“Have you ever met Val Kilmer? I hear he’s a complete bastard.” So Father Ted asks Beverley Hills-based Father Buzz...
This week, of course, we’ve had a General Election. You may have noticed. Like everyone else in the country, I...
The Performing Rights Society today distributed an email announcing legal action against Soundcloud. I love Soundcloud. I think it...
Clark Kent a.k.a John Clay interviews the cast of the Liberation stage show (Good luck at The Edinburgh Fringe guys)!...
Stone Flowers, a group of refugees and asylum seekers brought together in response to the Musician Union's campaign, record a new album.
TES is a one man show based on a re-imagining of Tess of the D’urbervilles by Thomas Hardy and you...
In a parallel universe, where dreams and memories mesh and blur to confuse and influence their dreamers, Tim (Justin Long)...
Derby-born Andrew Jamieson is based in Edinburgh, from where he edits the UK Geek Zine website as well as authoring...
With almost 3000 people in attendance last year, and coverage reaching press as far as the New York Post, the Hackney Summer Fete is fast becoming one of the best community events in London – be sure to join the crowds if you're in the capital!
Clark Kent corners Jon Schnepp, director of “The Death of ‘Superman Lives’ … What Happened? Here’s the video: Jon...
Joss Whedon‘s latest and last entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Age of Ultron, is ultimately everything one...
Stand Up and Spit is a site I’ve been following for a while, it is curated by poet Tim Wells...