One facet of ‘that Middle Eastern question’ which draws us in and kicks us around year after year: what,...
Despite the customary hyperbole about Alan Moore’s contribution to the comic book/graphic novel art form, England’s most creative and erudite...
Let’s not beat around the bush here. I am a huge fan of Russell Kane, and have been ever since...
The Project, Nottingham New Theatre – The Monkey House,148,The Pleasance, Edinburgh. Written especially for this year’s festival The Project explores...
The wonderful thing about London [and the UK in general] is that you can find talent lurking in every corner....
Aged just fourteen and using the name ‘Sevens’, Justin Rollins went from being a bullied child to leader of...
This month has seen the ninth annual London Spanish Film Festival visit South Kensington’s Institut Francais, as part of an autumn of...
Mica Levi of Micachu & The Shapes has written and recorded the soundtrack for the science fiction film ‘Under The...
If you haven’t heard of Anthony Anaxagorou I urge you to take a few moments and read this. He is...
There is no better place to begin than the beginning, and so it must be said that Pacific Rim‘s opening...
Despite Berlin and Paris’ attempts to reclaim the title for Bohemian Capital of Arts, London has still no reason to...
Now that’s what I call music writing. Having read “Point Close All Quotes”, a 227-page anthology compiled by The Quietus...
Nile Rodgers, Benjamin Zephaniah, Levi Roots, Reginald D Hunter, Scroobius Pip and Scarification What’s Up, Sky TV’s Youth Culture and Lifestyle magazine...
It all started with ‘The Sopranos’. I think we can all probably agree on that. Yes, they were other examples...
Who would have thought four young men from Birmingham would not only change the way rock and roll was played...