Northern Soul, the debut film written and directed by Elaine Constantine is a gripping, uncompromising look at the fabled Northern...
Twice screened at the Barbican’s Milton Park, Virginia Heath’s From Scotland With Love, typically a plethora of Scots milling, about...
Fantastic weekend linking film to food and back to film again, all with a Eastern European twist. Within the...
Drako Oho Zaraharzar can remember modelling for Salvador Dali and hanging out with The Stones. But he can’t remember yesterday. Filmed...
On Sunday evening we learnt of the passing of Robin Williams at the age of 63 to an apparent suicide,...
As we approach the tenth anniversary of legendary broadcaster John Peel‘s death, Horse Party guitarist Seymour Quigley tells us what...
Far from ostentatious, Owen Gower’s Still the Enemy Within is timely with the 1984 miner strike thirty year anniversary...
Independent debut feature from Nenad Cicin-Sain, we see Wes Bentley (The Hunger Games, American Beauty, The Claim) take to the...
As with the Meltdown Festival earlier in the Summer, the Roundhouse Summer Sessions, which actually debuted this year, prides...
Carsten Stormer, a war photographer, was a man born out of place, and has spent most of his life rushing...
Syd Arthur and Tess Parks will be performing on Thursday 6th November at an exclusive private view of ‘Assassinated Beauty’,...
2014 has been Kate Tempest‘s year. Not only satisfied with releasing the best album of the year (so far) Brand...
Luc Besson’s latest cinematic opus begins with an image of a cell splitting in two, and then again, before cutting...
If you happen to be in Auld Reekie over the next week or so be sure to go and see...
Probably best described to the uninitiated as the mutant spawn of Morecome and Wise and The Pet Shop Boys, long serving ‘living...