Credit: Victoria Sykes

NEWS: Soapbox announce new EP + release ‘Do As Ur Told’ single

Glasgow’s SOAPBOX announce new EP LOCK IN set for release on 25th April. In addition they share new single ‘Do As Ur Told’ and confirm appearances at various festivals this Summer across UK & EU.  Pulling from influences like The Damned to Soft Play, Amyl and the Sniffers and Viagra Boys, the band say about their music, “we all have a severe praise kink so as long as people keep listening, we’re happy.”

Their new EP LOCK IN follows last year’s HAWD THAT, and comes out the same day they play their biggest headline to date at 500 capacity Glasgow School of Art. New single ‘Do As Ur Told’ is a song about abuse of power, explains vocalist Tom Rowan.

“Its lyrics are specific to a bad experience we had in the music industry where we felt we were being taken for a ride, but we feel it’s more broadly about being strong-armed into situations which are non-beneficial. The frustration we feel as musicians struggling to scratch out a living, and being squeezed on every penny we do make by other parties, translates to situations people find themselves in every day whether that’s off of a colleague, boss, landlord or someone else in a position of power over them.”

Refusing to stray from their political stance, the band promoted their last EP with posters featuring their lyrics about Nazis and BDSM around Glasgow. Not even a week later, the posters were hastily removed due to a volume of complaints from Glasgow City Council. The band responded, “Glasgow City Council don’t believe in punching Nazis apparently” and urged fans to seek out any remaining posters. 

For more information on Soapbox please check their facebook and instagram.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.