Black and white photo of Australian band Radio Free Alice.
Credit: Radio Free Alice

Radio Free Alice – Polyester (Double Drummer)

Melbourne based 5-piece Radio Free Alice created the outlines of their new EP Polyester, set for release on 21 August via Double Drummer, in their home city before tweaking it while on tour in Europe. Studios, backstage areas, tour vans, street corners, hostel bunk beds and train stations became stopgap recording locations around the cities of London, Paris, Bristol, Dublin, Nottingham and Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic), as the band captured moments where opportunity and inspiration collided. The finished result is 4-tracks bristling with an edgy vitality, which travels at pace and sweeps the listener along with it.

Radio Free Alice formed in Sydney in 2020, inspired by the likes of Talking Heads, The Strokes and HighSchool, in fact I would suggest the influences go further back. The intro of EP opener ‘2010′ is reminiscent of The Skids into The Cure but the comparisons don’t last long as Radio Free Alice are 100% their own thing. The vocals of lead singer Noah Learmonth adds to the creation of their own musical landscape. The lyrics on ‘2010′ explore love and relationships but not in the least sugar coated: “I saw your name on a wall of a bathroom stall“. Synths and janglely guitars plus a spoken section are at the heart of this alternative love song.

Latest single ‘Johnny’ rattles along at the speed and rhythm of a runaway train. A highlight of the EP it’s the instrumentation which leads the way. Radio Free Alice don’t feel confined to packing their songs with vocals. Here pulsating beats, pounding drums and sharp crisp guitar riffs create an urge to hit the replay button immediately.
“Call me on the 31, when you run away
Nothing else at all I would ever say
Johnny, can you call me on the motorway?
Johnny, can you call me, you little runaway?”

Spain’ takes a slightly different path and there is an effortless cool about this song. That twanging guitar riff is an utter joy, taking the listener by surprise. The hint of saxophone and the slower swaggering pace gives a jazzy feel to the track. The opening bassline on final track ‘On The Ground’ immediately grabs and the lyrics are vivid:
Dinner’s in the fridge you can eat it on the couch. 
I slap you on the back and say “you can’t afford that, afford that.“” 
Noah expands:
The song roughly follows the narrative of a toxic man who is seducing, or manipulating, a woman into being with him through his money. Something like that.”
There is a touch of the ominous in the impassioned vocals coupled with the continuing bassline, and all too abruptly the track, and EP come to an end.

Polyester follows last years self-titled debut EP which includes breakout single ‘Paris Is Gone’. It’s a thrilling follow up and should see the 5-piece continue their well deserved rise. Good to know that Radio Free Alice are not hanging around, the debut album is already in the works. If the two EPs are a taste of what’s to come, you’ll be hearing a lot more about Radio Free Alice.

For more information on Radio Free Alice please check their facebook and instagram.

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God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.