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NEWS: Spoon Speaker Man share ‘The Age of No Opinion’

Indie titans, Craig Walker of Power of Dreams and Archive and Dan Worton of Ned’s Atomic Dustbin and Spairs have joined forces to form Spoon Speaker Man. ‘The Age of No Opinion,’ out today, is the titular track from their upcoming album and is a testament to their skill, energy and dynamism, fusing Worton’s prowess as a multi-instrumentalist with Craig’s whip-smart lyricism and resonant vocals. For OG grebos and Gen X indie kids this is a is dream combo. Together, their synergy and creative output is just as vital as ever, forming a new chapter in their extensive indie catalogue.

‘The Age of No Opinion’ explores the effects of modern media on our surroundings, emphasising its influence on our judgement. With a lush polyphonic wall of sound, the track glimmers with anthemic indie riffs and frenetic energy, Worton’s powerful percussion, kinetic guitar riffs and hazy bass-lines move together like intricate tectonic plates as slabs of sound tessellate. It’s as buzzing and cathartic as their mosh pits; bursting with all the buoyant energy of a Ned’s or POD track, but rooted firmly in the mobile online age. There’s little chance of ‘getting locked out when the phone rings’ nowadays, but those phone wires gave us freedom

Widescreen, cinematic and rich with impressionistic asyndetic listing, Walker soulfully narrates the online world like Big Brother, black mirroring the 21st century. With insight and wit, he makes references from PWEI to Oscar Wilde in this a time-hopping indie opus. The song’s ternary structure soars, taking the listener on a rousing journey to see the virtual world with fresh eyes. A bona fide banger, it’s woven with infectious guitar hooks, pulsating bass lines and pounding percussion, celebrating their indie past whilst bounding into the 21st Century.

Spoon Speaker Man, will release their powerful album The Age of No Opinion in October and will mark the occasion with a tour of the UK in November joined by fellow Power of Dreams member, Keith Walker from The Bollox and Jason Brown, from Brix and the Extricated and Tom Hingley and the Lovers.

Together with Dan and Craig, they are a true indie super group. They will be playing tracks from Ned’s, Power of Dreams and Spoon Speaker Man on their thrilling upcoming tour. See dates below

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The Age of No Opinion album is available to preorder now at: spoonspeakerman.big cartel.com
Spoon Speaker Man Promo

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.