Credit: Katie Silvester

NEWS: Our Girl return with album ‘The Good Kind’ + single

Our Girl have announced the release of their new album The Good Kind, due out on the 8th of November. To accompany the announcement, the band have released their new single ‘Something About Being a Woman’.

On the track, singer and guitarist Soph Nathan turns over a remark from an acquaintance that was at best “just bad timing” and, at worst, brazen misogyny. The track is all the more lacerating for Nathan’s attention to nuance, building to an explosive climax when her suppressed anger finally spills over, backed by snarling guitar and crashing cymbals.

Commenting on the track, Nathan said: “This song felt like the perfect place to put a lot of frustration after running out of patience with someone who wasn’t treating me very well. I think it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt, but in this case it went too far, and I got tired of dealing with someone else’s preconceptions, and how they think they’re entitled to treat me. A big theme of this album is making the best of things. It’s a loving record, but in this song I just wanted to let the frustration out.”

The expression of hard-fought optimism encapsulates The Good Kind, an album exploring themes of sexuality, relationships, community and illness. Our Girl’s trademark dynamics permeate the record, from heavy guitars and soaring lead lines to ear worm choruses and intimate vocal moments. Filled with warmth and honesty, the album is a celebration of determination – of choosing to recommit to what matters, against all opposition. “A lot of the songs are about taking setbacks and turning them into superpowers” says drummer Lauren Wilson.

Alongside the album and single, Our Girl have announced an extensive UK tour for 2024/25, which includes their biggest headline show to date at London’s Village Underground in February.

The Good Kind will be released on 8 November via Bella Union.

Our Girl Tour Dates

November 2024

  • 27 MANCHESTER – YES (Pink Room)
  • 28 GLASGOW – King Tuts Wah Wah Hut
  • 29 NORTH SHIELDS – Three Tanners Bank
  • 30 SHEFFIELD – Yellow Arch

December 2024

  • 04 CAMBRIDGE – Portland Arms
  • 05 BIRMINGHAM – Hare & Hounds
  • 06 BRISTOL – Dareshack
  • 07 CARDIFF – Clwb Ifor Bach

February 2025

  • 05 SOUTHAMPTON – Papillon
  • 06 LONDON – Village Underground
  • 07 LEEDS – Brudenell Social Club
  • 08 NOTTINGHAM – The Bodega

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.