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Video of the Week #284: Fontaines D.C. – Favourite

Taking a very different approach to the video for previous single ‘Starburster’ , Fontaines D.C. have shared the second single to be taken from their forthcoming album Romance set for release on 23 August via XL Recordings. The intensely personal video for ‘Favourite’ is the polar opposite of ‘Starburster’ which was, quite frankly, bonkers and unfathomable, which I suspect was its intention. It was also led by lead singer Grian Chatten whereas ‘Favourite’ is very much a collective piece. The self-directed video was filmed in Madrid but it is interspersed with footage of each band member as youngsters, years before they knew each other and indeed grew into the roles they currently hold today. It’s fun trying to guess who is who although there are some clues in places: a young drummer Tom Coll sitting on steps, beating out a rhythm on his legs, guitarist Carlos O’Connell playing with his hair in front of a mirror, a young Grian jumping around in the grass.

The video is an emotional watch. ‘Favourite’ is a slightly different sound for the Irish 5-piece, leading with guitar rather than bass. The quality of the sung vocal and more prominent backing vocal of bassist Conor Deego III presents an evolution on from the spoken shoutiness of previous releases. The video is a celebration of the camaraderie and togetherness of this band, encapsulated in the snippets of their wanderings around Madrid with so many frames showing all five. The fact Fontaines D.C. are also prepared to share such intimate visuals of their childhood is simply joyous. The painstaking task of sourcing and selecting the material must have been intense but the detail of gathering together experiences which individually they would all have participated in such as blowing out candles, playing football, hugs with siblings, parents and grandparents only adds to its gravitas.

The MTV generation will remember the importance of the video for music releases and with these two tracks Fontaines D.C. have brought it back to the forefront. Bassit Conor Deegan III shared the following on the video:
“This video is a reminiscing of the past; of each other’s childhoods we didn’t know. To see people we know on an intimate level as adults in the tender ages of childhood, we explore where we came from, and who on some level, still are. I see a lot of familiar faces being pulled, and the antics these lads are undertaking in their videos are so disarming and vulnerable to see. I am at times reminded of boyish mannerisms that they’ve grown out of in the time I’ve known them – and some that they haven’t. I feel their souls there.

I would like this video to serve as a way of honouring our friendships, and moving from that, the relationships we hold dear. Our mothers, fathers, siblings, aunties and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers. Those who we still have, and those we have sadly lost. We haven’t lost that connection to each other, and are not afraid to come of age again, holding on to romance in a sometimes trying world.”

Fontaines D.C. continue to surprise and delight, expanding their fanbase with each new release with their talent and creativity. Expect the unexpected continues to be true and being prepared to share such personal imagery has created a breathtaking video, which will no doubt be watched over and over. With an exceptional performance on Jools Holland’s Later at the weekend, currently on tour across Europe, the new album released in August, followed by tour dates in States, Europe, UK and Ireland Fontaines D.C. are going to have their best year ever.

For more information on Fontaines D.C. please check their facebook and instagram.

Their fourth album Romance will be released on XL Recordings on 23 August 2024.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.