The five piece band Eades
Credit: Sam Joyce

NEWS: Eades release new single and confirm EP tour dates

Eades have released new single ‘Constantly’ and announced headline tour dates in support of new EP Fight or Flight which is set for release on 14th August via their own label Bam Bam Records. ‘Constantly’ takes the pace down a little from their usual frenetic speed, but its no less a track for it. Thought-provoking and heartfelt, it covers an issue that touch many, delivered with guitars which are so obviously Eades. The distinctive vocal swapping partnership of Harry Jordan and Tom O’Reilly still creates that sense of community in this track, perhaps more striking here due to the subject matter.

Harry Jordan expands on themes behind ‘Constantly‘ saying:
“Having spent around ten years in the Leeds music scene it’s become quite apparent to me just how normalised and almost expected drug and alcohol abuse really is. I fear without having stability in my own life, that I am fortunate to have with my fiancé and a job I love, the same thing that has happened to a lot of people I care about could have happened to me. We are now at an age where we are starting to see the effects that long term alcohol and drug abuse can do to a person. I realised over the last year or so that I have a number of friends that I don’t think I have seen sober in a very long time and it’s scary to be honest. A small few people I know have accepted help and done something about it, but a larger number refuse to accept that they have a problem at all. The strain I have seen it take on a number of peoples mental health has become quite harrowing.

I wrote this song about two years ago around the time I started becoming a lot more aware of these issues. Even though the instrumentation of the track is playful and it’s definitely a fun one in our live set, I think the lyrics are some of the rawest I have ever written. For the first time ever I feel quite nervous putting this one out!”

Eades Live Dates
14 – Bristol – Breakfest
18 – Manchester – Gullivers
19 – Norwich – Voodoo Daddy’s
23 – Portsmouth – Edge Of The Wedge
24 – Brighton – Hope and Ruin
26 – London – Strange Brew

For more information on Eades please check their facebook and instagram.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.