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EXCLUSIVE: Apollo Ray ‘Vitamins’ Video Premiere

 Today we are debuting the excellent video that accompanies Apollo Ray’s new single ‘Vitamins’ , watch it below. ‘Vitamins’, is available now and will get a full release on 26 July and which Louis describes as “growling synths and deep bass draw you in. A lone voice speaks of ambition and resilience. Stuttering hi-hats, thunderous drums, ethereal vocals and glitchy arpeggios morph, ebb and flow. A haunting cosmos of self-discovery.”

On the video “a colourful meteor approaches our solar system, as it gets closer to Earth, space and time begin to warp. An experimental short film building on themes and key concepts from Apollo Ray’s debut album “In Orbit”.”

On 27 September Apollo Ray, AKA London based multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Louis (Ray) Pavlo, is to release his debut album ‘In Orbit’, a cinematic, dynamic and emotionally resonant journey that transports listeners to a surreal yet strangely familiar realm.

Drawing inspiration from the ethereal ambiance of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, Pavlo has channelled the spirit of Angelo Badalamenti‘s evocative compositions to create a sense of haunting familiarity and ineffable yearning throughout ‘In Orbit’. With this foundation firmly in place, he weaves a tapestry of influences spanning Stereolab‘s avant-garde textures, the cosmic symphonies of Brian Wilson’s Pet Sounds and the chameleonic artistry of David Bowie.

A classically trained pianist, Pavlo’s skills include composition, engineering, production and mixing as well as tour management, backline and session musician roles in live touring. His previous band, Jouis, self produced two studio albums and toured extensively, including notable UK festival appearances at Glastonbury, Secret Garden Party, Shambhala and Green Man. He is currently working as a backline technician and Ableton session musician with Elvis Costello & The Imposters and has performed on tours in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia and Japan. 

The genesis of ‘In Orbit’ began during a residency in the Synth room at Echo Zoo studios in the seaside town of Eastbourne, UK; where he collaborated with fellow artists, learnt recording techniques from in-house engineers and drew inspiration from the studio’s fast-paced turnover and energised sessions. This nurturing and inspiring environment allowed Pavlo’s creativity to flourish, enriched by the shared vision and creative synergy of his peers.

However, it was a 6 month residency with vocalist, multi instrumentalist (and eventual band member) Leonie Evans in a southern French castle where the album’s essence truly crystallised. Within the château’s storied walls, Pavlo discovered a sanctuary of introspection and artistic exploration, surrounded by centuries-old history and inspired by the mystique of the surroundings. Lost amidst the labyrinthine corridors, he found himself conversing with ghosts and the echoes of the Knights Templar who once roamed its halls, infusing the music with a mysterious depth born of reflection and otherworldly communion.

Filled with haunting melodies, robust motifs, ethereal textures and poignant lyrics, ‘In Orbit’ is a testament to Pavlo’s ambition: to create music that seamlessly melds his diverse influences while remaining unmistakably unique.

‘In Orbit’ will be available on vinyl, CD, cassette and digital formats.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.