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EXCLUSIVE: My Best Unbeaten Brother ‘Extraordinary Times’ Single Premiere

Today we are debuting the new single from My Best Unbeaten Brother single ‘Extraordinary Times’  which is out tomorrow May 24th on Audio Antihero. A brilliantly bleak song where everything feels like it’s slipping away and yet the bad people are winning. The urgent caustic lyric “we are drowning” sounds prophetic , musically it’s sprawling post- rock, post everything with guitars that swing between spindling and chugging guitars, fantastic pummelling drums: a plaintive trawl through the detritus of post- Brexit Britain, clambering for the tiniest speck of hope at the end. It’s the first record from Ben & Adam Parker (Nosferatu D2/Tempertwig/Superman Revenge Squad) since 2013.

Ben Parker calls it: “A post-Brexit cry for something better in a time and place where it feels like all the good stuff is going away and all the bad people are winning.”

It’s lifted from Pessimistic Pizza’ the debut mini-album from My Best Unbeaten Brother.

‘Pessimistic Pizza’ is the urgent and emotional debut mini-album from My Best Unbeaten Brother, a new South London-based trio featuring the critically lauded Ben and Adam Parker (Nosferatu D2 Tempertwig / Superman Revenge Squad) and bassist Ben Fry.

Described as the lost pioneers of the indie-emo scene,” the Parker brothers’ unconventional journey. Their first new material since 2013 reunites them with Audio Antihero (Frog / Cloud / Magana), their longtime label, and sees them cast aside their past insecurities in search of hope and meaning whilst preserving the off-kilter musical chemistry that earned the siblings fans in Los Campesinos!Art Brut, and Johnny Foreigner.

Seven songs by three men from Croydon. Inspired by getting older, getting sadder, getting angrier with a post-Brexit world where The Smiths have been ruined by the actions of the ex-singer. Learning to let go; learning to be Spider-Man; trying to understand The Fall; trying to understand life and death, and trying to understand records by The Steve Miller Band.” – Ben Parker (Guitar & Vocals)


God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.