Grian Chatten onstage at Resident Records
Credit: Julia Mason

LIVE: Grian Chatten – Resident Records, Brighton, 04/07/2023

The rise of the instores to promote new releases is literally a win win win. Great for sales for the record stores, as they include the album; great for the fans who see their favourite artists in a more intimate setting; and great marketing for the artists themselves. Usually shorter, stripped back and with no support, they are also very good value for money.

And so it was I found myself in the queue outside Brighton’s Resident Records for an instore performance by Fontaines D.C. frontman Grian Chatten who had released his debut solo album Chaos For The Fly the previous week via Partisan Records. These shows were extra special because no live dates are currently scheduled to showcase the album. Needless to say they sold out immediately.

It was quite a shock to see the lead singer of a five-piece band rock up alone and sat on a stool with just a guitar. We are used to seeing Chatten as lead singer of a band who have had phenomenal success with their first three albums, and so it seemed so vulnerable to see him alone on a small stage with people up close. However, there was no need to be concerned as Chatten was relaxed, comfortable and grateful, but he was also able to handle the banter from the Brighton crowd. Before he had played a single note one person shouted “remember the folks at the back without a ticket”. Quick as a flash Chatten responded “that’s not the back, that’s outside”. Wonderful. The set of seven songs went by in a flash, and we were even treated to a Fontaines D.C. track ‘The Couple Across the Way‘ written by Chatten.

The Score’
‘Salt Throwers off a Truck’
‘I Am So Far’
‘The Couple Across the Way’
‘Season For Pain’
‘All of the People’

For anyone who has listened to the album the instrumentation is multi-layered on songs such as ‘Season For Pain‘ but Chatten is the creator of these gems and so he was able to perform beautifully on just an acoustic guitar. He even joked that he had been spoilt for the last couple of years with guitar technicians, but he nimbly tuned between tracks. It simply has to be acknowledged just how exposing this was for Chatten but it shows the confidence he quite rightly has in his songs.

When he announced he had just one more song to play, more banter ensued: “two more”, “three more”, “loads more” to which Chatten replied “this isn’t a bidding war, you’re getting two more then I’m fucking off”.

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Credit: Julia Mason

And then onto the signing. Chatten was so patient, every single person was given time and a nice touch by his team, photographer Rosie Skinner took photos for the fans with their own phones so everyone ended up with photos with him. An evening which gave such joy to fans. And to hear those songs performed up close and personal created memories that will live long.

Chatten next heads to the States to support Arctic Monkeys on their stadium tour with Fontaines D.C. Thus it was even more extraordinary that we had the opportunity to see him not only perform but chat to him in a record shop in Brighton. Priceless.

Fore more information on Grian Chatten please check his facebook and instagram.
Chaos For The Fly is out now via Partisan Records.

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.