NEWS: Janice Long Bursary extended for musicians and bands to apply 1

NEWS: Janice Long Bursary extended for musicians and bands to apply

Moseley Folk and Arts Festival has just announced an extension to their new bursary scheme which was launched in honour of the renowned broadcaster and its friend, Janice Long. Applications are now being accepted until Monday 8th August.

The Janice Long Bursary has been set up to support new and emerging artists in their careers. Janice, who sadly passed away last December, was the regular compere at the annual Moseley Folk and Arts Festival. Enthusiastically introducing artists to the stage, while also catching up with them behind the scenes, she insisted on attending the event every year and was a much-loved presence at the festival. 

The winner of the award will receive professional recording studio time, an opening slot on Moseley Folk’s Second Stage in 2022 and a headline slot in 2023, along with a photo-shoot, and biography.

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Janice Long at Moseley Folk and Arts Festival on 30th August 2019

The Moseley Folk and Art Festival’s manager, John Fell, said: “Our community was devastated to hear the news of the passing of the late great Janice Long. We’ll remember her, most importantly, as an irreplaceable friend, but also for her genuine love of supporting new musical ventures, helping them get off the ground without wanting anything in return.

“Since her passing, we at Moseley Folk HQ wanted to pay tribute in a way that was Janice all over. So approaching the 2022 edition the festival, we launched the bursary and have now decided to extend the deadline for applications and to encourage even more people to apply.”

John continues: “This will ensure Janice’s legacy continues with us – reflecting her insistence and determination to help and really support new musicians at the start of their career. For so many, Janice was the first to play a new demo, the encouraging smile in the front of the crowd at early gigs, and the key figure that got a new project going. She just loved and lived music and that passion was completely infectious. Which is why this bursary will be there to support up-and-coming artists with the passion and infectious support Janice gave so many, including us.”

For details of the Janice Long Bursary and how to apply, head to:

Photos: Simon Godley

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.