A few months on from the release of her debut album X-Communicate on Sub Pop, Kristin Welchez – better known as Kristin Kontrol – has shared a brand new track not included on the LP. ‘Baby Are You In’ is out now and follows in the footsteps of the sophisticated electro-pop vein of her debut record. A bit more dark and brooding, it works its way up to a pulsating chorus that’s like a contemporary cross between Madonna and Depeche Mode.
Kristin says of the track: “‘Baby Are You In’ was recorded during the X-Communicate sessions and I really regret not including it on the album. It was super fun to make – Kurt Feldman and I let loose on the production, trying to pin down that nebulous aggression from Evil Heat-era Primal Scream, but let it cork off the party at the end. It’s my favourite to perform live; I really feel the lyrics…” Listen below.