Track of the Day #517: Patrick Duff - Thought Birds 2

Track of the Day #517: Patrick Duff – Thought Birds

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We’re taking things down a notch or two today, unbuttoning our shirt, loosing our tie and sitting back on our easy chair and reflecting on life after a hard day’s work. ‘Thought Birds’ by Patrick Duff is the intricately spindling picked out ode to the darkest thoughts that sometime cloud your day, its elegiac tumbling acoustic arpeggio figures kindly remind one of a reassembling of The Beatles crumpled balladJulia’, are given a tender yet grand framing by Duff’s weighty reflective tone as he struggles to break free. Each pointed metaphor crafted into a effortlessly moving single(‘When they fly/they black out the sky/poisoning the shadows as the day goes by’).

‘Thought Forms’ was available on 7″ for Record Store day and was lifted from his gorgeously stripped back recent album ‘Visions of the Underworld’ a ten track album recorded the old fashioned way straight to tape, in a cabin deep in the middle of a forest.

Patrick Duff, if you didn’t know is a Bristolian songwriter formerly of criminally ignored 90s alt-rock group Strangelove. 

You can download it now

God is in the TV is an online music and culture fanzine founded in Cardiff by the editor Bill Cummings in 2003. GIITTV Bill has developed the site with the aid of a team of sub-editors and writers from across Britain, covering a wide range of music from unsigned and independent artists to major releases.