Any résumé of Helen Boulding’s career seems to be always located within the context of her work with others. If it is not her having successfully written songs for some of the brighter stars in pop’s talent show firmament – be it the since doused forest fire of Alex Parks or the still flickering flames of Joe McElderry and Janet Devlin – it will be either several of her other noted musical collaborations or the numerous film soundtracks she has scored that you will find regularly mentioned in dispatches.
‘Crooked Tooth’, though, announces the re-emergence of her own solo project, the artist known as Helen Boulding. The third single to be taken from what was her second album, last year’s Calling All Angels, it is a suitably cheerful expression of adult pop. Inspired by Boulding’s love of her husband’s titular imperfection ‘Crooked Tooth’ skips along without so much as a by-your-leave or nary a glance behind such is its instinctive sense of optimism and self-belief.
Heralding in the New Year, ‘Crooked Tooth’ may well also see Helen Boulding begin to emerge from the shadows of her regular association with the work of others to be fully realized as an artist in her own considerable right.
‘Crooked Tooth’ is available now on Itunes ahead of its official release on 30th December 2013.