Balto is the work of Daniel Sheron, Andrew Sheron, Charlie Freundlich, John Glouchevitch, Philippe Bronchtein and Sam Budis.
Originally from the United States, Daniel left Moscow, Russia, to travel to Siberia, writing the material for his debut October’s Road on the way. The album unsurprisingly deals with exile, loss and the fragility of experience. Considering the quality of recording, it’s hard to believe the release was recorded by six people in a single night in New York on 15th December 2010.
The most immediate aspect of Sheron’s song is the lyrical content, but his music’s temperament is heavily guided by a resilient guitar – the kind that plucks and strums, but nevertheless resonates the musician’s feeling. Pared with Sheron’s signature vocal, Balto compare to travelling and socially aware singer-songwriters like Eef Barzelay and Bon Ivor. Most refreshingly of all, he produces acoustic music that doesn’t fall back or rely on any genre currently on trend. This is unique within the boundaries of familiarity, and that’s why Balto deserve a place with Preaching From the Pews.
Balto’s single The Railyard is due for UK release this June 27th. Written in an overcrowded, 3rd class sleeper car between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk in Siberia, it’s a fascinating track, perfectly depicting the images of Siberian wasteland, a beautiful cello solemnly whimpering beneath Sheron’s heartfelt, distinctive vocal.